1. Company publishing MyEnergyLink

EVOLEN, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of France, having its headquarters at 39-41 rue Louis Blanc, (92400) Courbevoie, France with registered numbers RNA W922003547 and Siret 534 585 419 00011.

VAT number: FR76534585419

Email address:

Publication director: Bernard CLEMENT (General Manager)


2. MyEnergyLink creation, design and development

Cap Interactif, SARL with stated capital of € 9,147,
having its headquarters at 9 avenue Joffre – 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France

Registered number: RCS (Paris) Nanterre B 420 313 439 

VAT number: FR81420313439

Contact: Danièle Lasserre (Associated CEO)

Email address:


3. Hosting

EVOLEN, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of France, having its headquarters at 39-41 rue Louis Blanc, (92400) Courbevoie, France with registered numbers RNA W922003547 and Siret 534 585 419 00011.

VAT number: FR76534585419

Email address:


4. Web-Hosting

INFOMANIAK : Swiss hosting
ISO 50001
ISO 27001
ISO 14001




MyEnergyLink is the leading partnering platform for the energy sector (oil, gas and renewable energies), offering a transparent, independent and sustainable solution to find your business partners. Its main objective is to accelerate and facilitate the process of bringing together reliable business partners in the energy sector.


Founding partners

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MyEnergyLink© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2020 - 2025
Produced by Cap Interactif