1. Company publishing MyEnergyLink
EVOLEN, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of France, having its headquarters at 39-41 rue Louis Blanc, (92400) Courbevoie, France with registered numbers RNA W922003547 and Siret 534 585 419 00011.
VAT number: FR76534585419
Email address: b.clement@evolen.org
Publication director: Bernard CLEMENT (General Manager)
2. MyEnergyLink creation, design and development
Cap Interactif, SARL with stated capital of € 9,147,
having its headquarters at 9 avenue Joffre – 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France
Registered number: RCS (Paris) Nanterre B 420 313 439
VAT number: FR81420313439
Contact: Danièle Lasserre (Associated CEO)
Email address: adele@cap-interactif.com
3. Hosting
EVOLEN, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of France, having its headquarters at 39-41 rue Louis Blanc, (92400) Courbevoie, France with registered numbers RNA W922003547 and Siret 534 585 419 00011.
VAT number: FR76534585419
Email address: b.clement@evolen.org
4. Web-Hosting
INFOMANIAK : Swiss hosting
ISO 50001
ISO 27001
ISO 14001
Website: https://www.infomaniak.com/en
MyEnergyLink is the leading partnering platform for the energy sector (oil, gas and renewable energies), offering a transparent, independent and sustainable solution to find your business partners. Its main objective is to accelerate and facilitate the process of bringing together reliable business partners in the energy sector.