Why become a partner?

Some entities volunteer can present application to become a stakeholder partner of MyEnergyLink. Agreement will be made by MyEnergyLink steering commitee.


Type of stakeholders and actions




Type of actions

Financial conditions


of the Steering Committee


To govern, to develop and to rule the platform


MyEnergyLink Partner

EVOLEN member

To look for business partners

No fee

MyEnergyLink Partner

Non EVOLEN member

Companies facing Local Content requirements

To look for business partners



Institutional or governmental institutions, local or international players, etc e.g.

World Bank, Business France

To help to develop the network

No fee

MyEnergyLink local representative

A legal entity or natural person, certified by EVOLEN, having a helpful knowledge of the country

In coordination with EVOLEN,
to develop and to promote MyEnergyLink in a specific country 

No fee

Local expert
Global expert

Technical or economic or law specific expert

Local expert is present in one country only

Global expert is present in three countries at least

To provide additional services to MyEnergyLink Partners

Annual fee to MyEnergyLink

An expert may charge MyEnergyLink Partners for a specific service


Any type of local and international companies

To support financially the platform

tbd according to provided opportunities (mainly advertising) 

To become a stakeholder partner, please contact us: support@myenergylink.com


MyEnergyLink is the leading partnering platform for the energy sector (oil, gas and renewable energies), offering a transparent, independent and sustainable solution to find your business partners. Its main objective is to accelerate and facilitate the process of bringing together reliable business partners in the energy sector.


Founding partners

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Produced by Cap Interactif