Local companies

MyEnergyLink is dedicated to all local companies looking for an international partner and who meet the following criteria

  • You can justify a significant experience in your sector of activity
  • You are an entrepreneur

Your objectives

  • Develop your company by being contacted by international companies looking for local partners
  • Find partners to complete your product and services offer
  • Give yourself the possibility to bid in large tenders.
  • Promote your expertise close to international and other local potential partners.
  • Present your projects and needs
  • Be informed of opportunities    

MyEnergyLink solution

Thanks to MyEnergyLink, you will considerably increase your business development opportunities and you will benefit from a unique and attractive platform to promote your activities.

Register now!




MyEnergyLink is the leading partnering platform for the energy sector (oil, gas and renewable energies), offering a transparent, independent and sustainable solution to find your business partners. Its main objective is to accelerate and facilitate the process of bringing together reliable business partners in the energy sector.


Founding partners

  • logo evolen 2021 ang 1
  • Logo Total Energies 330x130px
  • Logo Saipem
MyEnergyLink© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2020 - 2025
Produced by Cap Interactif