MyEnergyLink, the leading partnering platform for the energy sector

EVOLEN is committed to encourage the sustainable development and the local value creation in the countries where its members operate.

Based on this reality EVOLEN has decided to develop MyEnergyLink, the web partnering platform for the energies sectors to help you find your energy partner.


The objective to find a business partner can also be the consequence of Local Content regulations in some specific countries. Indeed, Local Content regulations are meant to promote the use of Local companies and support the transfer of competence and the development of local capability and capacity.

As a consequence, companies, whether international or local, may be looking for complimentary partners to join forces. But, in any case, the objective is always to find the right partner.


Whatever your objectives, whatever the nature of your activities, your needs are unique.

The difficulty lies in letting the right people know. Finding the right candidates that have capabilities that match your needs or (the other way around) finding the company that need your capabilities, is a complex and time-consuming process that most companies cannot afford.

We developed MyEnergyLink to be the answer offering a transparent and efficient solution to find the most suitable business partner.



This partnering platform has been developed by EVOLEN with the support of TotalEnergies and SAIPEM and is addressed to all companies of the energy industries, whether conventional or renewable energies.

The process is simple and made of 3 easy steps:

1.Register your company,

2.Describe your needs,

3.Match and promptly get in touch with potential partners!

Our members are waiting for your company. So register now on MyEnergyLink !


MyEnergyLink is the leading partnering platform for the energy sector (oil, gas and renewable energies), offering a transparent, independent and sustainable solution to find your business partners. Its main objective is to accelerate and facilitate the process of bringing together reliable business partners in the energy sector.


Founding partners

  • logo evolen 2021 ang 1
  • Logo Total Energies 330x130px
  • Logo Saipem
MyEnergyLink© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2020 - 2025
Produced by Cap Interactif